
291 2024-01-04 02:55





見CFA原文:What is Osteodystrophy and how does it occur?Osteodystrophy results in a skeleton that is seriously and cripplingly deficient in calcium. Radiography reveals distinctly rarefied (less dense) bones. Osteodystrophic cats usually resent being handled, especially when gently manipulated in the lumbar region. Affected cats become lame and, in some instances, are unable to even stand. In severe cases the hindlimbs may become paralyzedWhile the disease may be congenital, there has been some discussion as to whether or not other genetic factors are involved; some researchers believe the condition may be linked to recessive genesIn 1974, Dr. Oliphant F Jackson of the Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine in London, England, conducted a study of congenital bone lesions in cats with folded ears. He warned that heritable osteodystrophy in cats was associated with the fold-ear breed and suggested their breeding be limited to only fold-car/straight-ear matings.Patrida Turner, an English breeder, was one of the first to study heritable osteodystrophy in Scottish Folds. She felt the condition might be inherited independently, but given expression by the presence of the fold gene. Unfortunately, no further studies have been done to support her theory.This disease is apparently the result of a diet low in calcium. Diets consisting almost exclusively of meat are particularly conducive to the onset of osteodystrophy. Familial incidence could be simulated if the same deficient diet is fed to successive litters or generations. Whether or not this is a factor is best determined by the response of the skeletal dystrophy to corrective feeding.Genetic influence cannot be totally ruled out because certain strains or breeds have particularly high calcium requirements. This may explain the regular recurrence of the disease in the Burmese and Siamese breeds.
