
2023-03-28 01:56 点击:115 编辑:admin







Smartest cat breeds

This is based on the well known Animal Planet television station intelligence scale. Start here to see all the breeds.

Sphynx 加拿大无毛猫 (top cat) – ★★★★★★★★★★


The following got ★★★★★★★★★

Balinese 巴厘猫

Bengal 孟加拉豹猫(see video of Bengal cat "Hunters Moon" below)

Colorpoint Shorthair 重点色短毛猫

Havana Brown 哈瓦那棕猫

Javanese 爪哇猫

Oriental Shorthair 东方短毛猫

Siamese 暹罗猫


The next level are these cat breeds (8 stars) ★★★★★★★★

Burmese 缅甸猫

Chartreux 卡特尔猫

Devon Rex 德文卷毛猫

Egyptian Mau 埃及猫

Japanese Bobtail 日本短尾猫

Korat 科拉特猫

Norwegian Forest Cat 挪威森林猫

Ocicat 奥西猫

Russian Blue 俄罗斯蓝猫

Siberian 西伯利亚猫

Singapura 新加坡猫

Tonkinese 东奇尼猫

Turkish Angora 土耳其安哥拉猫

Turkish Van 土耳其凡猫


And in the middle ground of the cat intelligence league are these breeds:

(7 stars) ★★★★★★★

Abyssinian 阿比西尼亚猫

American Curl 美国卷耳猫

American Wirehair 美国硬耳猫

British Shorthair 英国短毛猫

Cornish Rex 柯尼斯卷毛猫

Cymric 威尔士猫

Maine Coon 缅因库恩猫

Manx 曼岛猫

Ragdoll 布偶猫

Scottish Fold 苏格兰折耳猫

Snowshoe 雪鞋猫

Somali 索马里猫


(6 stars) ★★★★★★

American Shorthair 美国短毛猫

Birman 伯曼猫

Bombay 孟买猫



Persian 波斯猫



Exotic Shorthair (short haired Persian) 异国短毛猫

Himalayan (pointed Persian) 喜马拉雅猫

(source: Animal Planet)

To which must be added the other wild cat hybrids such as the Chausie(非洲狮子猫;家猫与丛林猫的杂交种;), Savannah(热带草原猫;家猫与薮猫的杂交种,大爱薮猫!!)and Safari(貌似是一种从南美草原猫培育而来的猫). These are all generally skinnier and more inquisitive and active cats. At the other end of the scale the more docile cats such as the Persian are claimed to be less intelligent probably because in being docile they learn less through experience. See all the breeds by starting here: Pictures of Cat Breeds.

I can personally vouch for the Sphynx cat's intelligence. And the Pesian is known as a piece a furniture and is probably the most suited to full-time indoor living.

